
Tag Archives: american in canada


On the way to pick up groceries last night I rang my mom knowing I’d catch her + the family in the midst of preparing for Thanksgiving. I secretly longed to hear the kiddies giggling at my dad’s silly jokes. And my sister inevitably interrupting mom + I to fill me in with some ridiculous story. (She’s kind of the best storyteller; everything seems a lot more comical from her perspective). I explained to mom that this year was different than the rest. I was missing everyone + home at a whole new level. She reassured me that I said the same thing last year. So internet friends, I declare no matter what, I will be at home next Thanksgiving. You hear that, Dad!? Make extra pie. Please. And stuffing. Mmm..

After the grocery store, James + I spent the evening preparing pies. And by preparing I really mean I was making one, big crumbly mess. Because I hate to admit defeat it took waking up this morning to a pathetic crust to start all over again. I granted myself a few minutes of complaining before reminding myself how lucky I was to be prepping a dinner for my dear ones here in Vancouver.

With Thanksgiving a favourite holiday of mine, I thought I’d prepare a small list of things I’m especially thankful for…

James – This guy; he’s something else.. The most patient, kind, and loving human I know. Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to have him by my side. His smile is pretty wonderful, too;)

Family – They’re loud. Unique. Crazy. Opinionated. And full of so much love. I’m so, so thankful to be a part of your crazy gang, guys.

My dear friends, near and far – I wholeheartedly believe I was blessed with the best group of friends one could ever wish for. Though I may only see some of them once a year, they still hold a special place in my heart. And as they grow into adults + start families of their own I can’t help but love them even more…

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have the most wonderful day with your loved ones.



image via andrewthomaslee